Installing OrganDesigner
Copyright (C) 2006—2007 Gregory D. Weber
License for this documentation:
GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
License for OrganDesigner software:
GNU Public License, Version 2
For OrganDesigner version 1.1.0
The following programs must be installed for OrganDesigner to work
- Python,
including Tkinter, Python's standard graphical toolkit.
Version: Python/Tkinter 2.5 or higher is recommended.
OrganDesigner might work with earlier versions of Python, especially those
not much earlier, but this is the version that has been used for
recent development and testing.
RPMs for Fedora 7: python-2.5-12.fc7, tkinter-2.5-12.fc7
Virtual Keyboard.
Currently, OrganDesigner relies on Virtual Keyboard's utility
'sftovkb' to read SoundFont files.
OrganDesigner will probably
outgrow this dependence in a later version.
Virtual Keyboard is not needed to play the resulting
organ designs, although it is one way to do so.
Version: 0.1.17 is known to work; earlier versions are untested.
RPM: vkeybd-0.1.17a-3.fc7 is available for
users of
- Libxml2. OrganDesigner uses
the program 'xmllint' to validate the ".org" files that
it writes for GENPO.
This dependency might be removed in a future version.
Version: 20629 is known to work.
RPM for Fedora 7: libxml2-2.6.29-1.fc7
Well, strictly speaking, OrganDesigner can run without GENPO.
But the resulting GENPO files will not be of much use without having
GENPO to play with!
Version: 0.9.5 is recommended, as it provides the
"toe pistons" (i.e., general combinations) which this release
of OrganDesigner is intended to support.
RPM: not available
Download OrganDesigner from
Operating as root, unpackage the source tarball, move into the
source directory, and run the install script:
# tar xvzf organdesigner-1.1.0.tar.gz
# cd organdesigner-1.1.0
# ./install
If the ./install
step should not work,
substitute this:
# chmod g+r,o+r dtd/genpo/organ.dtd
# python install
This will install OrganDesigner in the default location for Python modules,
and the GENPO organ.dtd file in the /etc/organdesigner directory.
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If you are uncomfortable using these tools,
or you don't get a response within a few days,
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